Every month we want to introduce you to some of the team that are working tirelessly to campaign for your lady parts. First up is new AGCF Board Member, Luke McClure. In this exclusive interview you can read all about him and why he is so passionate about giving women and their families hope.
Tell us a bit about yourself.
My name is Luke McClure. I was born in Perth but moved to Sydney when I was too young to actually remember. I went to school, university and started my career here in Accounting, before moving to London for 3 years. I came back to Sydney at the end of 2019, perfectly timed straight into bushfires followed by COVID! I have spent most of my career in Commercial Finance roles but had a bit of a 1/3-life-crisis last year – and have now moved into an Operations role at a startup called helpz, a disability support service provider operating under the NDIS.
At AGCF we love brilliant minds. What’s something your mind is brilliant at?
My mind can be a bit OCD at times (I am sure my girlfriend would argue whether it was brilliant or not) but I like things to be very structured and ordered, so I very much enjoy creating order from chaos in all work and life scenarios!
We fund research for innovative solutions. Tell us your favourite invention?
It would probably be the iPhone. It is such a powerful, amazing piece of technology to have in the palm of your hand and ultimately changed the world as we knew it (for better or for worse).
How do you want to help the AGCF as a Board Member?
I want to be able to help in every way I possibly can. I have developed a wide range of skills and networks having worked across various roles and industries over my career, so there is a lot I can offer from that perspective now that I have joined the AGCF Board. I also want to greatly raise awareness and understanding of gynaecological cancers, of the AGCF and everything that we do, and raise as much funding as possible.
Why are you so passionate about the cause?
My Mum Annette passed away at the end of 2019 just weeks after I had returned home from London, after a very brief battle with endometrial cancer, one of the 8 gynaecological cancers. Having experienced the pain and suffering that it caused not just to my Mum but also to me, my family and our friends, I wanted to find a way that I could give back, so that others do not have to experience that same loss and heartache.
What is the main message you want women to know?
To be aware of all of the signs and symptoms of the 8 gynaecological cancers, to always have regular check-ups and that if they have the slightest concern about anything to always have it investigated. Also that there is so much amazing research taking place and there are so many clinical trials underway, that hope is on the horizon.
What advice would you give to men and families of people affected?
It is a whole new world that you are thrown into very quickly but there is so much information and so much support out there. You are not alone in this journey.
And what future do you hope for when it comes to the 8 gynaecological cancers?
Ultimately a cure of all 8 gynaecological cancers, but until then I hope for amazing medical advancements in early detection testing and in the targeted treatment of gynaecological cancers.