In honour of Mother’s Day, we asked some friends of the AGCF to share a special story about their mum. This is Amelia’s story about her mum and namesake of one of our research grants, Carmen Duncan.
Amelia Barrett and her mum, Carmen Duncan
“I was backstage a few years ago working on a game show when I mentioned to the host that I had to write a speech for my mum. He kindly offered me one of his old Logie acceptance speeches. I replied with a quizzical look. “Hey,” he said, “All those speeches start with thanking your mum.”
He’s right, it’s your mum or God who we thank in our proudest moments. Now why is that? Is there a correlation? In my case, I believe so.
It’s no secret that Carmen was an exceptionally beautiful woman and the physical comparison to a goddess would not be out of place. And although she may not technically have been a divine being, she was definitely a divine human being.
She was gracious and charming and in cities across the globe she captivated people, drawing them to her, like a prophet, but in designer clothes, high heels and lipstick.
For me, the comparison between Mum and God is a good one. You say your prayers, you ask God for things and when he doesn’t come up with the goods, you ask your mother…. Where God failed, my mum tended to prevail. She never faltered on doing her damnedest to provide anything we wanted or needed. Her presence was omniscient. Even when miles away she knew what you were doing and when you would need her. Your mother is the originator of your universe and the foundation of who you are and who you become. And mum’s concern for her children and grandchildren certainly puts that Judeo/ Christian God to shame. There must have been countless times she would have liked to crucify me, but she would never have had me suffer, not for a minute, not even for ‘your sins.’
This Mother’s Day, let’s say a prayer of “thank you” to our mothers for putting our health and happiness ahead of anything else, for the litany of sacrifices they have suffered for us when what they deserve is to be worshipped and idolized.
To my divine mother and yours – a happy Mother’s Day.”
– Amelia Barrett
To celebrate your Mum, we’d love for you to donate #OneForYourMum. This campaign encourages people to make a single donation to the AGCF. All money raised is used to fund important research that will help save women’s lives around the world – women like our strong mums.
Copy and paste the below to your social media and share a special story all about your Mum.
Join me this Mother’s Day by making a donation and posting a special memory of you and your mum to social media with the hashtag #oneforyourmum. Donate to the Australian Gynaecological Cancer Foundation here:
Happy Mother’s Day.