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About gynae cancers

Looking closely at all 8 gynae cancers

Gynae cancers affect a woman’s reproductive system.  You know, your lady parts.  Put simply, the reproductive system is a group of organs that work together to enable pregnancy and childbirth.  It also produces sex hormones, including estrogen and progesterone.

Despite all this good stuff, a woman’s reproductive system is also prone to cancers.  While any diagnosis of cancer causes anxiety and fear about the future, for many women a diagnosis of gynae cancer can cause additional concerns, such as premature menopause, body image, sexuality and fertility.

On top of this, women are faced with staggering gynae cancer statistics.  Like every 1.3 hours, an Australian woman is diagnosed with a gynae cancer.  Every 4 hours an Australian woman will die from a gynae cancer.  Also, 31% of women diagnosed with a gynae cancer will not survive more than 5 years.  These statistics are hard to grasp.

So, let’s look more closely at the 8 gynae cancers.




Who we are

We are the Australian Gynaecological Cancer Foundation.  The only organisation that focuses on funding laboratory research into all eight gynae cancers.

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Where to find us:

1/1 Jamison Street, Sydney NSW 2001

For general enquiries:

telephone: +61 2 8235 2606

Together, we’re giving women hope.

Donations of $2 or more are tax deductable in Australia.

ABN: 17 152 685 295

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