AGCF is the only national group giving funding support to all types of research (laboratory, psychosocial, nursing etc), for all women’s cancers. AGCF has formed a partnership with the well established charitable foundation, the Way In Network, to create a new post-doctoral fellowship to support a research project aligned to the AGCF priorities.The fellowship is designed to support an outstanding science, nursing, allied health or medical graduate who has completed a PhD within the last 5 years and seeks funding to undertake further research. The graduate’s research focus must be directed towards improvement of understanding and/or management of gynaecological cancers. The successful applicant will have access to a strong foundation of research support services, including opportunities for professional development and the mentoring and expertise of experienced gynaecological cancer researchers. The research must be strongly aligned to the mission of AGCF. The recipient of the fellowship is expected to participate in AGCF and Way In Network fundraising activities and events and to contribute to the AGCF when opportunities arise.

The Way In Network is a migrant women’s association that began in 1992 with the aim of supporting and assisting women migrating to New South Wales to integrate into Australian society. The Way In Network is a strong supporter of women’s cancer research, through AGCF. Its appeals have also greatly assisted thousands of people including indigenous youth, children’s hospital patients and those recovering from disastrous bushfires and earthquakes in Australia and China. They strive to create awareness and promote gender equality within society and empowering women and girls to advance further and to release their inner aspirations.
Way In Network will present a special Charity Ball on Saturday 4th March 2017 at the Westin Hotel Grand Ballroom to celebrate their 25th anniversary and International Women’s Day and to raise funds for this fellowship. Click here for Charity Ball details.
More information on the fellowship can be found at Resources, Fellowship Resources, Fellowship 2017